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  • "The child himself is the curriculum" Rudolf Steiner

  • Available Subscriptions

  •           Welcome to The Child is the Curriculum! This community is set up to host support for those interested in anthroposophy, studying Steiner’s lectures or related books, and applying these indications to their journey, both spiritually and physically. We welcome ALL people from all walks of life, and are not limited to discussion of only Waldorf Education or those who have children, but also those interested in group Steiner study coming from other areas such as esoteric studies, farming and gardening, astrosophy, etc. We are now a monthly subscription year round book club and study group that you can subscribe and unsubscribe from each month as fits your schedule! That means you can keep your account even if you do not have an active subscription that particular month! Suddenly busy and need unsubscribe for a month or several months? Just simply don’t respond to your email invoice that month! Love it and want to not miss a thing? We also offer a yearly subscription option to save 17% per year, and to avoid having to re-subscribe each month! 



    What do we have inside once subscribed?


    2024 Schedule Update!!! We currently have TWO running book clubs per week:

    SUNDAYS 4:00-6:00PM EST WALDORF EDUCATION RELATED BOOK STUDY: This is a year round education zoom session, typically once a week but with short breaks and some Sundays off. This is a chance to study specific education lectures or Waldorf related books on the HOW and WHY of Steiner education, practical tips on working with children, and getting to know human development from pre birth up to age 21.  If you are on a Waldorf journey with your children, whether homeschoolers or not, this is the book club for you! These sessions are recorded, but you have the option of attending with your camera off or watching them later. Recordings will be posted on this website in the CLUB section. Zoom link to the events will be in the EVENT section.

    WEDNESDAYS 6:00-8:00PM EST ANTHROPOSOPHY RELATED BOOK STUDY: “Exploring the Mysteries, An Anthroposophical Study Group.” This is a year round anthroposophic zoom session, typically once a week but with short breaks and some Wednesdays off. Everyone in the group may offer to host if the main host is absent. This is a chance to DEEP DIVE into more non-Waldorf related esoteric topics such as karma and reincarnation, ethical individualism, esoteric studies, spiritual science and how to work with it inwardly, and it will give you a real feel for anthroposophy (which Waldorf education was inspired by). This book study is open to ALL, requires participation, ability to hold space for others as individuals, an open Goethean conversation, and is really designed for those already or are newly ready to walk an anthroposophical path. The participation required is having your camera on, the ability to read aloud in the group, take turns speaking so that all are given a chance, offer your thoughts on what is read, and hold a space of “I wonder” during the study.  A appropriate quote for this book study is “It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Nothing is demanded of any attendees to hold a certain belief system, or agree with everything in the books. . . only to hold wonder and interest with the books we read. Take from it what you will! These sessions will not be recorded, and you must attend live. If you are serious about learning and connecting to others, then this is the book club for you! 





    Other offerings on our website:


    Art and Craft Related Classes and Videos: Art and craft zoom classes will be announced on the event calendar and instagram! 


    Community Forum: We have a large and extensive community forum with topics to discuss all ages from birth to adulthood, teacher resources, regional events and meetups, festival celebration, home life, and every kind of subject a Waldorf journey touches on. This aims to be an inclusive space for open anthroposophical conversation as it relates to education and beyond. You may choose to dive as deep as you like!

    Forum Style Book Clubs: We have a Club section open to anyone wishing to host their own book club or service in a text forum format. Go at your own pace, offer downloads, post videos, add moderators, and host it for free or charge a fee. The sky is the limit for how this could be used! We have already started working through several Steiner books together. Please jump in!


    Galleries: We have photo galleries with categories for different ages and grades to get or post inspiration for lessons, art, and projects! 


    Videos: We have bandwidth and space for sharing art tutorials and other videos to help each other as a cooperative. Share your videos or embed from other websites.


    Community Calendar: We have a calendar application with reminders and alerts if you have an event you would like to announce or promote. We have Waldorf Festival Zooms, forums, and events!

    Blog System: All members can start a free blog on our website to share their journey. 


    Private Messaging System: We have an advanced messaging system and social networking system set up with maximum privacy. Unlike many social media websites today, your privacy on our systems is secure. We require a subscription to weed out those who are not serious about community membership, and to keep the website going. 


    Stories: Like other social media, we have stories capability!

    Book Resources: We are adding more and more suggestions every year and building this up as we use/find them. Looking forward a certain resource? Don’t hesitate to ask! 


    Free and Paying Downloads Section: We host this section in conjunction with Paypal as a space for you to sell your own Waldorf related material! Upload your own PDF tutorials or Main Lesson blocks for sale, buy other homeschoolers downloads, or browse our free downloads!

    Buy/Sell/Trade Section: We host this section in our community forum. Please post anything you are selling that is somewhat Waldorf related. 

    FREE advertising: You have free reign to advertise or promote anything Waldorf related on our blog system, under a video you post, along with your download, or in our buy/sell/trade section. I will often help you promote anything you contribute on our website with free marketing!

    All in all, this is a Steiner based education research community. What we don’t have, is a complete open and go curriculum. We are here for support for those trying to custom create their own Waldorf curriculum, blocks, and lessons using Steiner’s indications, or to sell and promote one of their own creations! If this DIY community sounds like it is for you, please come on in, and make yourself at home! 

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